Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register my family? 

  1. On your dashboard, select ‘Continue to Registration’
  2. Select the ‘Group Registration’ option
  3. Follow the prompts to complete the ‘Group Registration’.

Please note, the first user’s name will appear as the profile name. Be sure to update your profile to indicate you’re fundraising as a family!

How do I create a new team?

  1. Once you have completed your registration, navigate to your account’s dashboard
  2. Select the ‘My Team’ button
  3. On the My Team page, switch to the ‘Create A New Team’ tab
  4. Complete the form
  5. Select ‘Create Team’
  6. Share the team name with your teammates!

How do I join an existing team? 

  1. Once you have completed your registration, navigate to your account’s dashboard
  2. Select the ‘My Team’ button
  3. On the My Team page, use the  ‘—Select A Team—‘ drop down menu to view all created teams.
  4. Select the team you wish to join
  5. Select ‘Join Team’
  6. In the pop-up box, select ‘Update My Team’

If you are having difficulty registering your family, please complete the contact form above.